Who We Are?
Our Mission
Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus.
Our desire is to help people grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus, no matter if you have walked with Him for years, or just now learning who He is.

Our vision is to be a community where people experiencing life's struggles encounter the love of Jesus and power of the Spirit.
Jesus said, “In this world you will have have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Everyone faces challenging times. It can be sickness, financial struggles, loss of a job, divorce, grief, or just the difficult seasons of life that we see so often. No one is immune to hardships. However, we rest on the hope that Jesus offers us because He has overcome the world. Landmark strives to be a community of faith that embodies the hope of Jesus to those who struggle. We firmly believe the presence of Jesus in our lives is the only way any of us can make it through hard times.
John 16:33
We want our church
to be people who:
- A – Adore God
- B – Belong to a family
- C – Care for the world
- D – Disciple someone else
In order to accomplish this goal, the leaders of Landmark ask for three weekly attendance commitments from our members:
- Sunday morning worship gathering
- Sunday morning Bible study
- Involvement in one of Landmark’s small groups