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What to Expect

We look forward to seeing you at Landmark!

It doesn’t matter what your faith background, race, ethnic or economic status happens to be, you’ll be welcomed at Landmark. From the time you arrive on our campus until you leave, our staff and volunteers are dedicated to helping you discover Jesus in a warm, family environment.

At Landmark you can expect to find ordinary people worshipping an extraordinary God. We offer two worship gatherings in the Worship Center at 8:30 (acappella) and 11:00 (instrumental). Both gatherings blend musical styles of contemporary and traditional music in a casual environment. Both gatherings have a time of teaching and communion, and are scheduled to last about 75 minutes.

At 10:00, all ages gather in smaller groups to dive deeper into God’s Word and discover a deeper relationship with those within our church family. It is here, in these smaller gatherings, that our spiritual formation is forged, and community relationships are developed.

One big question about church is always, “What do I wear?” At Landmark we have a diverse church family and want you to find your place in the mix. Some may wear jeans and a t-shirt, while others may wear jackets and ties. The most important thing is to be yourself.