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Worship gatherings each Sunday at 8:30 (a cappella) & 11:00 (instrumental) in the Worship Center
Bible Study at 10:00, 8:30 & 11:00 (livestream)

Landmark 101 is an informal gathering offered every six weeks where guest and regular attendees can learn more about the beliefs, mission and vision, leadership philosophy, and ministries of the Landmark Church. It is a one day event hosted by our Lead Minister, Buddy Bell, and Dan Burgess, our Connections Minister. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus. Our desire is to help people grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus, no matter if you have walked with Him for years, or just now learning who He is.


Wednesday Nights @ 6:30pm

Current Message Series

Join us as we study the statements when Jesus says “Go”.

History so often repeats itself. We have come to another time in history where it is evident that God’s people need to rebuild, restore, and revive! The book of Nehemiah tells us how. Nehemiah is a man driven to accomplish God’s mission against incredible odds and great opposition. His life will inspire you and challenge you to get off the sidelines and into the game!

Want to know more about the Landmark family? Download Discover Landmark to answer all your questions about how to connect, attending Landmark 101, contact information, student ministries, and much more. 

Small Groups consist of Life Groups, ABC Groups, and Support Groups!

The Story

The Bible is a big book and, let’s be honest, it’s hard to get your head around it all. In the message series, THE STORY, we are going to strip

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Why do we so often feel distant from God? Could it be that a lot of what we think about God is wrong? Not all wrong, but enough to mess

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