- (334) 277-5800
- 1800 Halcyon Boulevard, Montgomery, AL 36117
Serve the World - Global Missions

The Landmark Church seeks to share in God’s great passion to serve the world. We seek to partner with God in evangelistically focused service ministries. We are currently reaching these goals through ministries of discipleship, orphan care, medical care, drug recovery, humanitarian aide and relief work, counseling, equipping, and leadership training. We support local church leaders in ministries of water well drilling, hospital equipping, orphan care, and leadership development on the continent of Africa. We have evangelistic, and humanitarian needs based outreaches in the Near East as well as in Europe among ethnic groups from Muslim cultures.Â
We are curently partnering with three long-term and many more short-term on field missionaries. Their ministries are varied but their intent is to serve God by loving their communities around the world. We have provided English language training, medical services, social services, relationship counseling, and basic health needs to these locations on a yearly basis.Â
We desire to reach people near and far with the life giving wisdom of Jesus Christ. You can find encouraging articles pertaining to the fruits of this ministry here.
Join our Team of Global Servants
We are always called to be the salt and light of the earth wherever we live. There are also special times when we are presented with the opportunity to serve God in his international mission.You can join our team of global servants in three different and increasingly time consuming ways.
The first, and simplest, way you can join is by praying for these bold overseas workers and for the needs of the communities they serve. You can give to the general needs of our missionaries and supported overseas ministers or you can give to specific projects focused on helping people in specific places where you may feel a spiritual burden to give. This way of joining in the mission work of the church does not require any formal partnership but allows you to in all freedom participate in Landmark’s missions ministry.
The second way you can join our team is by serving with the Mission Vision Team. This partnership requires a period of prayer and fasting, and the collaborative approval of the Mission Vision Team – a group of globaly invested individuals of the church who pray for and help find ways to follow God’s leading. This group meets once a month to discuss and help our elders and missions minister make vital decisions about the distribution of effort and gathered funds for the growth of the kingdom around the world. If you would like to be involved in serving throught he Mission Vision Team please sign up through this form.
The third way you can join our team is by being sent out by the Landmark churdch. This process involves the most prayer, and collaboration of the Mission Vision Team, church Eldership, and Staff Ministers. In going on a short or long trip, you will cooperate with one of our full time Ministers (Youth, College, or Missions). Your project will be evaluated by the Mission Vision Team – to ensure that the vision of your trip fits within the vision God has given this church. Your project will then be conveyed and prayed over by the elders. Within this process we have short-term, mid-term, and long-term commitments that we would like to invite you to help with.
You may have a ministry. You may be called to a certain people or place in the world. If the area of ministry is new, or you are independently appealing to the church for support, then please take the time to fill out this form and we will begin the longer process of walking with you in faithfulness to God’s calling to, “Go into all the world and preach good news to all creation.” (Mark 16:15-16)