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Missions Ministry

The Landmark Missions Ministry is the global dimension of what the Landmark family desires to accomplish in Montgomery- to spread the name of Jesus.

We have three main areas of focus in this ministry. First, we want to plant churches in the most unreached or lesser reached places in the world.  One set of our full-time missionaries is located in a people group that is 98% Muslim. Second, we want to show mercy as we share Jesus.  Many of our short-term teams work with orphan and medical projects.  These expressions of mercy point back to the ultimate mercy given to us at the cross. Third, we want to equip our children and those God has called to do those two things above.  We work really hard on Mission Sunday and throughout the year to instill in our children missional values.

The missions ministry is headed by a team of people who have a passion, calling, and experience in mission work in various parts of the world. The Mission Vision Team exists, as commissioned by the Landmark elders, to formulate, implement, and communicate a strategy for the Landmark church to participate in the mission of God. The MVT is Jimmy Dobbs, Junior and Becky Bagwell, Jon Wright, Uduak Afangideh, Bill Meadows, Kevin Thrash, Danny and Beth Hankins, William and Xialo Cooper, and Bobby Rives. Each of these people have experience in different areas of the mission field and have a passion for working to facilitate our church’s desire to share Jesus around the world.

The MVT was created in late 2004 to develop a new missions strategy for the Landmark family. Through months of preparation, meetings, research, and discussion, the first version of the missions strategy was released in June 2005. Yet every member of Landmark is a member of the Missions Ministry at Landmark. It would not be possible to do any of this work without the people of this great church. The members at Landmark have eagerly stepped up to the plate to offer their vacation time to go serve and have opened up their pocket books to finance the dream. But it’s more than money. Money doesn’t tell people about Jesus, only people can. This is why the Mission Vision Team has a great desire to involve the members of Landmark in spreading Jesus across the world.

Moments. Life is made up of moments. The gospels are made up of moments in Jesus’ life.  In the message series, MOMENTS, we invite you to spend time with Jesus-the one who knows you thoroughly and loves you completely!  They will be some of the most life changing moments in your life!